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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Remote control (mstsc) without typing password everytime

Remote control (mstsc) without typing password everytime

change excel Default template

change excel default template
Create a workbook with the number of worksheets you want, specify the styles etc.
Save it as a template named Book.xltx in the folder %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART.
The name Book.xltx is mandatory but it depends on the interface language. In the French version it would be Livre.xltx, and in the German version Buch.xltx.
Excel will use this template when you press Ctrl+N or click the New button that you can add to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Also create a version with a single worksheet and save it as a template named Sheet.xltx in the same folder. Again, Sheet.xltx is the obligatory name for the English version. This template will be used when you create a new worksheet in a workbook.

Phật giáo vs cúng sao

Nhiều người nói Phật giáo bây giờ biến tướng, cúng sao giải hạng mê tín dị đoan... Nhưng mất đi cái đó rồi, nhóm những con người có ít họ...